Breast Implants

Cleavage that is natural and symmetrical


Creating a harmonious nose and beautiful lines simply by altering the projection of the nose tip
Tip-plasty allows for:
  • Reduction of a bulbous tip
  • Augmentation of a flat tip
  • Creation of a refined sophisticated tip
  • Correction of a droopy lip
  • Deprojecting an upturned tip (pig-nosed)
  • Straightening a crooked tip
  • Part of a nose lengthening procedure

Are Breast Implants for Me?

Candidates for breast implants include patients that:
  • Want larger breasts to balance body proportions
  • Enlarge breasts for confidence
  • Restore lost breast volume post pregnancy or weight loss
  • Fill up sagging breasts- see breast lift

Intercostal Anaesthesia

Anaesthesia is injected into the intercostal nerve to create a nerve block so that you do not feel the pain during and after the surgery. WIth a dedicated anaesthetist that is trained, you can rest assured that the journey and experience is a safe and comfortable one. 

The tip creates the most depth in the face; A small improvement can create a profound change.

The nasal tip is the key defining feature in a nose and also the most complex to create in Rhinoplasty. Although it's a small area, it changes your image significantly. Using your own tissue, we can create a harmonious nose and beautiful lines simply by altering the projection of the nose tip.

Understanding what happens during Tip-plasty

Understanding what happens during Tip-plasty

Explaining the ANATOMY + SUTURE TECHINQUE + CARTILAGE GRAFT for natural tip-plasty

01 Your anatomy

Ideal Triangle and Tip-Defining Points

Similar to the golden ratios of beauty, the nasal tip should form a harmonious triangle with the precise tip-defining points to create the ideal nose

02 Cartilage Graft

Use of Ear (Auricular) Cartilage Grafts

The ear provides a good source of natural cartilage which is soft and ideal for augmenting the nasal domes to create a designer tip that is sophisticated and refined.

The cartilage is stacked to create the necessary tip shapes and stitched precisely to create a stable tip.

03 SutureTechnique

Expert use of fine suture techniques

Using absorbable and fine sutures, the existing alar cartilages are reshaped to increase projection and to create the perfect tip. Delicate beauty created by precision and fine stitching.

01 Your anatomy

Ideal Triangle and Tip-Defining Points

Similar to the golden ratios of beauty, the nasal tip should form a harmonious triangle with the precise tip-defining points to create the ideal nose.

02 Cartilage Graft

Use of Ear (Auricular) Cartilage Grafts

The ear provides a good source of natural cartilage which is soft and ideal for augmenting the nasal domes to create a designer tip that is sophisticated and refined.

The cartilage is stacked to create the necessary tip shapes and stitched precisely to create a stable tip.

03 Suture Technique

Expert use of fine suture techniques

Using absorbable and fine sutures, the existing alar cartilages are reshaped to increase projection and to create the perfect tip. Delicate beauty created by precision and fine stitching.


Tip-Plasty for correction of bulbous tip
Simplified steps to explain the science behind the art of  Plastic Surgery to create a well-vascularised + stable + perfect tip.

Customising Tip-plasty for different noses

We adjust our surgical approach depending on your tip shape so as to give you the best results with minimal downtime

Nose tip already has some shape

For nasal tips that already have some structure, extensive surgery is not required. Simple onlay grafts created from your ear cartilage can create a natural dome and improve your tip without the need for any septal work.

Nose with widely splayed cartilages

For patients with widely splayed and weak lower lateral cartilages, the nose tip has poor support. Performing simple tip onlay grafting on to this will create sub-optimal results. The heavy nasal tip will droop in the absence of structure and it will not be able to maintain its shape over time. The tripod structure of the nose will have to be reinforced with the use of sutures to create a new tip structure. Columellar strut grafts may be necessary to support the tip further.

Importance of the Septum

The significance of the septum is often overlooked because it is not a visible structure. The septum is the key support structure that holds up the nose and also provides the foundation on which the tip is created. In patients with a poorly form septum, septal extension grafts are needed to create a strong base on which the new septum can be built. Ignoring this will create a tip that droops over time or loses height.

Reduction of Bulbous Tip and Alar-plasty

The fleshy nasal tip adds to the weight of a droopy and poorly defined tip. Reduction of the fleshy tip will allow the underlying cartilage to create a defined nasal tip. Together with reduction of the fleshy side walls of the nose, the alar can be made narrow to complete the look to create a refined and more petite nose.

Getting Tip-plasty Right


Facial Harmony and the nasal tip

The nose tip shape and the line from the dorsum to the tip is very important in making a beautiful and natural nose. Concurrent dorsal augmentation is a popular choice. Sometimes a rhinoplasty alone may not be sufficient to achieve your looks. Eyelid surgery and philtrum reduction surgery can also be performed concurrently.


Your own cartilage makes the most natural tip

There are various materials that can be used to change the shape of the nasal tip. Using a L-shaped silicone implant with an in-built tip is something that we have stopped doing as it has a high risk of extrusion and rejection. The best and most natural tip is made from your own cartilage. There is no chance of rejection and it becomes permanent once it's healed.


Creating a tip that is stable and does not droop over time

Creating a strong foundation for the tip using a combination of cartilage grafts and suture techniques will enable us to create a stable nasal tip that will hold its shape and position permanently. 


Day Surgery


 Local Anaesthesia or IV Sedation

Operation Time

60-120 minutes

Removal of Sutures

5 Days






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